Friday, June 11, 2010

Help me win my microgrant

 I am involved with two projects on the site We Are Teachers. I am collecting votes to try to win at least one of them. All you have to do it go to the sites and vote for my projects. I had a colleague win one and I thought I would give it a try. So here is my pitch:
I got accepted to apply for a second microgrant so I need another vote.  The first one was at this address
The second one that I am participating in a Microgrant program sponsored by the Partnership on 21st Century Skills and an online community, called WeAreTeachers. The recipients of this grant receive an iPod nano with video to promote "21st Century Readiness" in their school, and there is a grand prize of a trip to Washington DC for two. Recipients are selected based on votes. SO -- If you have a moment, I'd really appreciate you going online and voting for my project. It would really mean a lot to me to have your vote and support! Just go to and follow the directions there.

Sherrie Petersen